Friday, May 7, 2010

Guards, Treehouses & Scenes

Above are thumbnails of some different ideas for Guards in a prison. SciFi and Fantasy.

Above are sketches of treehouses from Treehouses of the World and New Treehouses of the World, both by Pete Nelson. I will be adding to these and coming up with ideas for materials, so that later when I am taking the 3D Modeling Program offered by FuturePoly, I can work on a 3D Model. In the meantime, you may see some Textures posted here as I work on them so I can use them on the model later.

These are thumbnails of a scene I started in the Concept Art class at FuturePoly. The idea is that there are space pirates who have landed on a planet that is covered in ice and water (think Arctic or Antarctica). They are on the way to stash some loot in a cave, and find that a creature lives there that they were previously unaware of. This was also the basis for some of the prior postings I've made of creatures and space pirates.

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